Join ProspectsPlus and you join a team that’s diverse, inclusive and entrepreneurial. You will surround yourself with intelligent, disciplined people driven to re-invent and redefine technology recruiting. We work with some of the most amazing technology companies in the country. They’re building products that will change the world and we get to help them accelerate their vision through talent execution.
It’s been defined as a combination of passion and perseverance. It’s the motivation to maintain persistent effort on one’s objectives despite any frustrations, or setbacks that happen along the way. Nothing worth having comes without a little discomfort.
What is the hustle mentality? It’s a unrelenting commitment to achieve your goals. You will not give up, even when faced with insurmountable challenges. It’s a resourcefulness and creativity in finding the path to excellence and success.
We perceive challenges as the opportunity to learn and foster our personal growth. The only thing that can prevent us from succeeding is if we close our minds to change, to learning and to further developing our knowledge and insight.